Yes and Amen: A Bible Promise Book

Bible promise book
A Bible promise book — choose from the King James Version or a modernized KJV!

Do you love the promises in the Bible? What if you had them all, from Genesis through Revelation, collected in one volume for your daily encouragement?

In Yes and Amen: God’s Promises from Genesis Through Revelation, that is what you will find, along with short, powerful declarations which you can use to personalize each of these verses for yourself.

As you read, declare, and pray God’s promises back to Him, may your mind be renewed, your understanding of your covenant inheritance in Christ be strengthened, and your confidence in God’s goodness become more deeply anchored.

Our blue cover edition is for those who prefer the much-beloved King James Version.

Bible promisesIf you enjoy the poetic flow and rich language of the King James, but struggle with the archaic English in it, choose our green cover edition, which utilizes a modernized KJV. The modernized version of Yes and Amen was personally created by author Lee Ann Rubsam just for you. It stays true to the King James Version, except that it uses modern English in place of “thee,” “thou,” “hast,” “didst,” etc.

Sample pages (modernized version) 

Both editions are available as hard cover, paperback, or e-book.

Paperback and hard cover currently available only at Amazon. See farther down this page for e-book purchasing options.

Blue Yes and Amen (KJV) at Amazon (affiliate link)

Green Yes and Amen (Modernized KJV) at Amazon (affiliate link)


Yes and Amen KJV E-book (blue book cover):

Buy from Full Gospel Family, any country, $9.99.

Make sure when you go through the checkout process that your e-mail is correct. Shortly after you order, we will send you an e-mail with your e-book files attached.

Also available from these e-book retailers:

Kindle at Amazon, Nook at Barnes & Noble,
Apple Books, Kobo, and Smashwords.

Lots more sellers here!

(FCC disclosure: We are Amazon and Apple Books affiliates.)

Yes and Amen Modernized KJV edition E-book (green book cover):

Buy from Full Gospel Family, any country, $9.99.

Make sure when you go through the checkout process that your e-mail is correct. Shortly after you order, we will send you an e-mail with your e-book files attached.

Also available from these e-book retailers:

Kindle at Amazon, Nook at Barnes & Noble,
Apple Books, Kobo, and Smashwords.

Lots more sellers here!

(FCC disclosure: We are Amazon and Apple Books affiliates.)